New Trustee
Mike joins our lovely trustees after the departure of Greg, who has left for the sunnier climate of Australia. Mike has supported Dan's Den at Christchurch from its infancy. Volunteering every Thursday and now graduating to Trustee, another voluntary role. Mike proves that retirement certainly isn't about slowing down! As well as his involvement in Dan's Den he is a well known Christchurch member, local historian, Manor House supporter and of course fantastic Grandpa.

Dan's Den Outreach Worker
Ellie Rudge
Lovely Ellie brings a bright interactive sparkle to our outreach work. You may even have seen her performing with The Ilkley Operatic Society!
Bradford Young Citizen
Lovely Alicia has been nominated for a Bradford Young Citizen Award. Awards Dinner Thursday 4th December.

Dan's Den could not operate without its awesome volunteers, who give their time up freely to support the community

Young Volunteers
Dan's Den is very proud of all our volunteers who range in age from 14 to 80+ They are involved in everything from customer service, event hosting to the most important task to keep the ship sailing the washing up!!!

Inspiring Young Volunteers
Lovely Alicia was shortlisted, from 234 nominees for Bradford Young Active Citizen. 2019. Alicia has volunteered with Dan's Den for three years, also volunteering with Ilkley Action for Climate Change as well as numerous other school-based volunteer roles.